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Haes Alarmsense ALS-4

Haes Alarmsense ALS-4

Brand: Haes | Ref: ALS-4

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£165.00 £198.00 inc. VAT at 20%
The Haes AlarmSense ALS-4 is a reliable 4-zone fire alarm control panel that is compatible with Apollo's AlarmSense range of two-wire devices. This cost-effective solution provides essential fire protection for small to medium-sized installations. With easy-to-use features and a compact design, the ALS-4 ensures dependable fire detection and alarm management.

(N.B: No repeater Panels)

Key Features:

  • 4-zone fire alarm control panel.
  • Compatible with Apollo AlarmSense devices.
  • Simple and cost-effective fire safety solution.
  • Suitable for small commercial or residential buildings.